Katrina Self-Guided Tour MP3 - $18.95

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This product is a Digital Download of our 2 CD Katrina Self-Guided Tour. Includes maps & pictures of devastated landmarks. You will be given a link to download the product immediately after your payment information has been accepted.
Hurricane Katrina: Devastation & Progress and Her Lessons for Us All is designed for visitors to New Orleans who want to witness the effects of the nation's most damaging natural and man-made disaster as well as the rebuilding efforts. It is the first formal Katrina-based tour that is self-guided. It covers about 50 miles in three to four hours; listeners can also choose one- and two-hour options, returning to complete the tour at a more convenient time.
In addition to tour directions, the CD contains narrative information explaining levees and why they failed, New Orleans history, stories behind the differing neighborhoods, the science underlying coastal erosion and restoration, and tales of heroism and help. Among the narrators all of whom are civic leaders - are New Orleans musician Charmaine Neville, Women of the Storm founder Anne Milling, and King Milling, chairman of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Coastal Restoration. A portion of the proceeds from each CD sale will go to benefit organizations that are working to rebuild New Orleans.
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